Committees & Groups
Nominating Committee
- The nominating committee is a very important PTSA committee. The purpose of the nominating committee is to recognize and seek qualified nominees for the elected leadership of the PTSA. The members of the committee, therefore, have a tremendous influence on the future of the PTSA. The nominating committee is composed of three (3) members who are elected by the association by February. If you are interested in being on the nominating committee, please send us an email ([email protected]) or just come to the January/February meeting. STUDENTS ARE WELCOME AND ENCOURAGED TO APPLY.
Grants Committee
Fundraising Committee
Hospitality Committee
Special Programs Committee
Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Legislative Advocacy Committee
School Site Council (SSC)
School Safety Committee
- Every year, the PTSA awards grants for student groups, teachers, and administrators. Last year, the grants included field trips, instruments, equipment for science classes, and entry fees for competitions. The Grants Committee reviews requests, and selects which ones to fund. Parents and students are invited to be on the committee. If you are interested, please send an email to [email protected].
Fundraising Committee
- The PTSA raises funds through direct ask drives, cyberfundraising programs, and community events. These programs are not possible without dedicated volunteer support. If you are interested in helping to fundraise for the PTSA, please join this committee by sending an email to [email protected].
Hospitality Committee
- The Hospitality Committee’s main purpose is to help serve food to the Lowell High School faculty and staff during different events throughout the school year. The function of Hospitality may seem simple but it carries significance to the school because it serves to provide appreciation to the faculty and staff which in turn builds the school community. Parents on this committee enjoy serving food and planning events like the Teacher Appreciation luncheon. If you would like to volunteer on this committee, please email [email protected].
Special Programs Committee
- The PTSA puts on special programs to bring our community together and to build relationships between parents, teachers and students. These programs are not possible without the community's help. If you are interested in working with a group of fun, creative and energetic folks, please join this committee by sending an email to [email protected].
Diversity and Inclusion Committee
- The Diversity and Inclusion committee strives to promote awareness for social justice issues pertaining to the Lowell community. We provide resources and opportunities for the Lowell community to be more socially aware. Additionally, we focus on addressing the racism and inequality many students and community members face within Lowell. To join this committee email [email protected].
Legislative Advocacy Committee
- PTSA is a child advocacy association. Its legislative mission is to speak on behalf of all children and youth at the local, state and federal levels. One of the Purposes of PTSA is “to secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth.” PTSA promotes and encourages legislative advocacy for the education and welfare of all children and youth. To join this committee email [email protected].
School Site Council (SSC)
- The SSC is not officially a part of the PTSA, it is a separate 22 member collaborative body composed of faculty, administrators, students, alumni, parents and community stakeholders. This important committee sets school priorities and budgets operating funds to meet these priorities. If you are interested in serving, please attend an SSC meeting in person on Lowell's campus for more information, or look for an announcement about the online application that comes out annually in September.
School Safety Committee
- The School Safety Committee is dedicated to serving Lowell students in terms of physical health and mental health as well as bringing awareness to various topics like substance abuse. In collaboration with Lowell's Wellness Center, we aim to provide equitable resources such as first-aid kits, menstrual products, hygiene, snacks, workshops, and more! If you are interested in this committee and would like to learn more, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected].
For a list of current volunteer opportunities of all kinds, visit our Volunteer page.
To learn about student leadership opportunities, visit our Student Leadership page.